Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

We celebrated valentine's day this year by just staying home and being with each other! I made shrimp alfredo for both my mom and was very tasty, I must say so myself! I also made some cupcakes for Maddie (and everyone else!) Our littlest valentine has been sick for about five days now. I hate to see her sick-it is just pitiful. She has a cough and is very congested. I am just praying that she starts to feel better SOON!

Maddie with her Daddy (and the new coffee mug she gave him)

Thanks Mimi for the new bath towels and cute summer clothes!
Maddie was holding up a valentine that Mom got at school!our sick valentine :( You can tell she doesn't feel good!

Thank you Regina for my awesome new books!
I love getting packages in the mail!
The beautiful flowers that Gabe got for me and my mom.
The roses are mine and the daisies are my mom's

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