I am a little behind in posting about all the things that Maddie is up to these days. We have been so busy with so MANY exciting things going on. I wanted to jot down her 2 yr old stats while I was thinking about it.
At 2 years old:
Weight: 33.6 lbs (98th %tile)
Height: 37 inches (99th %tile)
Head: 20.67 inches (99.99 %tile)
I am wondering if she will be taller than me (I am 5’10”) Only time will tell…
Maddie is so smart, but I have been saying that forever now. Some of the things she can do or enjoys doing:
- loves puzzles and has mastered all of the ones we own
- loves books and definitely has her favorites memorized. We will read and leave out the last word and she fills it in!
- can count to 10 and sometimes she will randomly fill in higher numbers.
- can identify a lot of colors, but still makes some mistakes here and there
- still working on ABC’s, but she will fill in some missing letters if we sing it together.
- enjoys nursery rhymes and can help fill in missing words. Right now she is obsessed with The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Row Row your Boat, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
- Talks like crazy…we can understand most anything now.
- loves to play with her blocks, baby dolls, and Little People toys
- she could live outside-I know this summer will be spent playing in the water in the hot afternoons
- loves to help cook by stirring whatever we are making
- has become a somewhat picky eater…I guess she just doesn’t eat as much as she used to. Some mornings she hardly eats any breakfast, but she will devour pancakes any day! She is picky about vegetables, but will at least try what is on her plate (although she spits it out), eats most fruit, and has somewhat of a sweet tooth
- we are aimlessly working on potty training. She first pooped on the potty the day before she turned 2 and that was a BIG DEAL!! The whole process is a slow-go. We have had a few sicknesses thrown in that has gotten us off track. Overall she is doing good and will go pee and poop on the potty a few times a day. I have to keep reminding myself that she just turned 2!
- goes to bed between 8-8:30 and wakes (on most days) between 7:30-8:00. She still takes one nap and it ranges from 1.5-3 hours!
- still has the dreaded paci’s or in our world “ditty ba ba” The child still loves the plug-oh well! She won’t take it to college, right???
Although she can throw a mean tantrum, they are pretty far in between. Maddie is a sweet little girl with a giant personality! She keeps us laughing around here that’s for sure!