We stayed in Charleston for a week with Gabe's Mom (Grandma). On Monday we took Maddie to the Sullivan's Island. We really didn't think she would last too long, but we wanted her to experience the beach at least one time this year! Maddie really is a waterbaby! She dug her toes in the sand and had a ball! We wore her out splashing around in the tidal pool and she then took a 2 hour nap in her hut! We were then able to just enjoy the sun and sand for a while! I am sure next year she will just love running around on the beach! On Tuesday we strolled downtown Charleston for a couple of hours. Maddie did GREAT! She loved being in her stroller and watching all the people and being outside. It was so incredibly hot, but it didn't seem to phase her. We just all stayed hydrated and enjoyed the afternoon together as a family! We had a fun week in Charleston....
Our little girl is now 5 months old. Seriously, I just don't know where the time goes...but it goes way too fast. She turned 5 months over 4th of July weekend while we were in Georgetown at Omi and Pop-Pop's house. We had a great time with our family, but we were really missing my dad. His birthday was on July 3rd, so we had a very special tribute for him. Aunt Neesie baked a cake and decorated it with a golf theme, we had presents (everything meant something to remind us of him), and we had a balloon send off to heaven with a card attached. It was an extremely emotional day, but we are so thankful to have our family to support us as we continue to grieve. Well, we have officially moved back to South Carolina and in with my mom for now. Gabe and I moved out of our apartment in Kentucky on the 11th and spent several days moving into the house and putting half our stuff into storage. What a pain it has been. I hate moving and am just exhausted thinking about it! But it is over with and we can finally get settled once again. Gabe starts his 3rd year rotations on August 2nd in Spartanburg, but until then we are trying to enjoy the little time we have together as a family before he starts the daily grind again! Our little peanut is growing too fast. She has such a little personality and already knows what she wants and boy does she let us know!! Maddie takes everything in everywhere she goes. She is so alert. Her smile can just melt anybody's heart (I know it melts mine every time I see it) and her laugh is contagious. She is now eating solids. Maddie is definitely my child because she loves to eat! She first tried rice cereal at 4 months old and we have slowly introduced her to other foods. Some of her favorites include oatmeal, applesauce, peaches, bananas, mangos, sweet potatoes, and carrots. In the morning she eats oatmeal and a fruit and in the evening she gets rice, a vegetable, and a fruit. She is even eating rice crackers called "Baby MumMums". She is learning to hold them in her hand and bring it to her mouth all on her own. It is amazing to see her little mind work-we just love her to pieces. Don't get me wrong, the lack of sleep through the night is very exhausting, but we just have to keep plugging away and hopefully once we get on more of a routine and not so much traveling she will start sleeping better. Yesterday Miss Maddie went to her first wedding. My cousin Shawn got married in Charleston. What a beautiful wedding it was-I cried the entire time. I swear I thought these crazy hormones would be out of my system by now!!! The first dress we had her in was so uncomfortable so she was very mad at first, but once we got her changed she was a completely different baby! Maddie did great at the reception and even got a little bit of dancing in :)